Friday, May 4, 2012

I am not the only one.......

It's always heartening when you work with people who share your values. As a college professor, I am on the same page with my colleagues about education, for example. Bur when it comes to getting from home to our suburban campus, there are a lot of people who opt for the auto. One of my colleagues asked me today, why on earth would I ride my bike when the parking is so easy on campus. Sigh. It reminds me of my graduate advisor who used to ask why would anyone want to go camping. "That's why nature invented housing". -- True quote.

Anyway at least one of my colleagues feels as I do that cycling to work is a good thing. So Tom organized Rider's first bike to school day. Okay, so only four of us made it for the photo, but you have to start somewhere.

But as Arlo Guthrie said "If one person does it, they'll think he's nuts, but if you have four people doing it, friends, they may think it's an organization". And that's just what it is......

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