In less than a month I will be embarking on my 300 bike ride from NYC to DC - The Climate Ride. And even though I have done this before, I still wonder, am I gonna be ready for this? I certainly hope so. I can't help but think that I have been psychologically getting myself ready. 60 miles a day is big step. I have been in the saddle for seven of the last nine days, so I know I am ready to peddle. But in those seven days I have only gone 145 miles; getting rides in where I can; commuting to work a couple of times. But it's hard to find the time and energy to do everything.
But the way I see it, preparing for this ride is just like preparing for a sustainable future. We can make all the plans we want to and we try to make incremental steps forward. But with incremental steps forward, we can also take incremental steps backwards as well - and society does this all the time. What we need to do is make an irreversible change forward to a sustainable energy future. Those of you who have studied thermodynamics know what I mean by an irreversible process.
I will start my irreversible process on May 19th with the next Climate Ride. Whether or not I am truly ready, it's still gonna happen. Is our society going to be able to fashion for itself a sustainable future? Whether or not we are ready for it, it's gonna have to happen.....
Great perspective!